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i done made so many sacrafices
i spit sick on this mic prob time fa me to pass the virus
i never fib on the mic not surrounded by troops
but all together demanding the truth pray we endin
this fight i dont pick sides by standin ill no longer
sit by cant be stuck in neutral same place feels
liek the fifteen time somethin like repitition
get betta and betta theyve asked me what its
like i compare it to writin letta and more lettas
i treat this shit like a vendetta neva needed barettas
theyve always stayed eatin my words like an edible
i know im a head of em all i ever wanted to be was incredible
now that ai is involved were competin with the meta ones
but you cant imitate greatness the media jus tryna duplicate hatred
by mega tuns there preparin us for bot & beats megatron
im a morning person always hope theres a tomorrow
today ima egg em on cuz everything cost a arm and leg
and the worlds praising a guy name oliver instead of
learning about the hollow earth or getting there dollars worth
buying strangers merch when they got friends doin the same
damn thing for 1 percent of the purse 99 percent of us cursed